Index of the Book Divine Power of Love

On this page you can consult the index of the book Divine Power of Love, containing the great message of Jesus for the salvation of souls in the glorification of the Holy Spirit.

The Book Divine Power of Love

The Book Divine Power of Love


Presentation of Rev. Fr. David De Angelis Loreto, march 25th, 1975

PART I The Preparation

Chapter I: The “Poor Soul” is directly prepared by Jesus who wants to make of her an “Instrument for his glory”
Chapter II: The Holy Spirit sets the seal on the wedding between Jesus and the “Poor Soul” who becomes the confident of his secrets
Chapter III: The Soul is led, under the guidance of her Confessor, to accept a love of crucifixion for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.
She is thus prepared for the great events which will befall on her

PART II The Manifestation

Chapter IV: Let the Church bring light to the action of the Holy Spirit
Chapter V: The imprint of God in the Holy Spirit
Chapter VI: A new era will begin for whole humanity
Chapter VII: To reveal the Message: this is what the Father and the Son wish from her
Chapter VIII: A difficult assigment
Chapter IX: The Voice who speaks to the Soul is the voice of Jesus
Chapter X: An invitation to priests to accept the new Message
Chapter XI: Eucharist: the great mystery of God’s love for men

PART III The irradiation

Chapter XII: The Poor Soul is named Disciple and Apostle of the Holy Spirit
Chapter XIII: In the light and warmth of the Holy Spirit
Chapter XIV: The world needs a new Pentecost
Chapter XV: The glorification of the Holy Spirit shall start at Loreto
Chapter XVI: Divine Power of Love
Chapter XVII: The first worshippers of the Holy Spirit
Chapter XVIII: The Holy Spirit will have a permanent abode in the Temple


The Book Divine Power of Love by P.David de Angelis

The “Poor Soul”